Many lives were lost, properties destroyed to the fullest due to landslides and strong currents of the flood. Now many are homeless, a lot of streets are still flooded, and people ain't got basic needs like food, clothes and medicine; It's this time when you can really depend on your countrymen. Currently, a lot of companies, foundations, and individuals are helping out. They volunteer to pack the goods, donate food, clothes, medicine and other needs. It's just so overwhelming, it just made me prouder than ever that I'm Filipino. Shit, you can even see Filipinos waving and smiling while hanging on electricity wires, lamp posts, swimming against the current of the flood or wading through mud mixed with garbage and murky water when TV cameras capture them!
Like I said above, we were not excluded! Below are 2 photos inside our house when the flood came unannounced!
You might think, "What the frack just happened here!" Well, let me explain. We couldn't let the poor thing's motor be submerged into water or let it float. Having the motor wet might totally render it useless so my cousins just had to tie the baby up on the sink LOL.
Man, the water rose to our thighs, our oven/cooking stove was toppled over by the water, washing machine damaged, no electricity for 2 days, not enough food, we couldn't even cook our food because we need to carry the gas tanks somewhere safe, we couldn't even use the bathroom because it's also flooded, (so yeah, I'll leave the rest of toilet business to you, reader!) no cellphone signal, and the list goes on and on!
But now, we're alright. Electricity is back, we went to the Supermarket earlier to buy food to be donated and food for us; We're cleaning all over the place, I got Internet; and you know, the usual, before the flood came. But we still can't cook our food lol! So we resort to eating out and food delivery instead.
Much Love,